Amy Kitchingman
Photographer: Ziga
Model: Amy Kitchingman
Fashion Designer: Velvety Couture @velvety_couture
Makeup Artist: Bethany Leah Pentelow @bethanyleah_mua
Accessory Designer: Savolinna Jewelry @savolinnajewelry
Former Miss Great Britain and Dubai TV presenter steps back in front of the camera for an exclusive fashion shoot with Dubai brands Savolinna and Velvety Couture.
Amy Kitchingman is a British TV presenter and emcee currently Based in Dubai.
After winning the title Miss Great Britain in 2007 and placing 3rd in the Miss World Tourism Finals, Amy pursued a career in media.
After studying for a degree in Media and performing arts and later specialising in journalism and broadcasting at the London academy of media Amy was ready to step in-front of the camera and begin her career as a TV personality.
Her career brought her to the Middle East where she now hosts a multitude of shows across the region. From cooking to crypto, to life style and luxury.
A prominent media figure in the region, the girl next door Amy seems to embody that elusive quality much beloved of television audiences: relatability.
Tell us something about you. Maybe your life, profession, habit, dream.
From a young age, I’ve always been so driven and wanted to succeed. I have to thank my parents for my work ethic. They instilled in me from a young age that if I wanted something I had to work hard. Nothing is given.
I’ve always known there was more out there that was attainable for me and that’s where my ambition and drive, even as a young girl came from.
Actually I still have that same ambition and drive even now. I don’t think that hunger to succeed ever fades.
What was your first job?
One of my first jobs was working in IKEA which I did throughout my college years. I honestly have some of the best memories of working in that big blue box. I made some great friends during those years, learnt to work as a team and I learnt the value of money. I think it’s those experiences that made me into the person I am today.
What makes you choose this profession?
Actually for a long time I really wanted to be behind the camera. It was my goal to initially be a TV producer. However when I won my beauty pageants such as Miss Great Britain and then went on to have a career as a model working in Miami and London I realise that I had a passion to be in front of the camera. But at the same time I knew that modelling wasn’t a career that I wanted to pursue for a long time, I saw that it was actually quite a lonely profession and I’m such a chatty outgoing person I definitely wanted a job where I could communicate with people. It was through this realisation that I knew that I would want to pursue a career in television. And it was just a natural progression at that point that I stepped in front of the camera for TV rather than for editorial.
Can you tell us about any upcoming shows or projects that you have?
So I have just finished filming with my cooking show Food shala kids which will be airing next year. Also in the first quarter of 2022 I have a documentary that I filmed with the BBC coming out. I also have a new TV show which is currently in the production phase and thats something that I’m really looking forward to working on because I will also be taking a production role. There are some talks of me doing some projects in Paris next year also. And probably the most exciting thing, purely because it’s a new area for me to move into. But I have been offered a few acting roles. So instead of being in front of the camera as a presenter as people are used to seeing me I will be taking on a roll and playing a character. So there’s lots of exciting things going on!
If you have a superpower or talent, which one do you wish to have? Why?
Ha ha ha a lot of my friends think I have the ability to stop time. I am a super busy person and I thrive when I am busiest. When I have a full schedule that’s when you will see me at my best, however my friends are always impressed at how much I managed to fit into a day.
What do you think about your work? Is it what you like, or simply saying a dream?
I truly love my job. And every time I go to work I am in a good mood and I feel blessed I’ve been given this opportunity and I really embrace been able to do what I do. I would go so far as to say it is a dream. I had a very simple upbringing coming from a small village in the north of England and to be able to say now that I have multiple TV shows on various TV channels throughout theMENA region and host high end events throughout the country it’s unbelievable at times.
In modern society, lots of people want to be famous and influential. What do you think about it?
Honestly I feel it’s quite sad that people are so desperate to become famous because we also have to ask, to what extent are they willing to go to get that “fame”.
I personally love my job But one of the down factors is that you do get recognised and there is a certain level of fame with it. I’m expected to keep up with my social media, people want to know what I’m doing in my life and I personally would prefer to keep my personal life completely to myself and the Amy that you see on camera and on your televisions is a completely Separate entity.
Since reality TV has come around they’re very blurred lines between the performer and the person. But the separation between the two is something that I would like to try and maintain.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
Honestly I really don’t know. I have so many ideas both personal and professional, the personal ones I’ll keep for myself, haha. But there are definitely projects that I want to take on apart from my TV work. I’ve looked at potentially publishing A cookbook since cooking is such a huge passion of mine and I’d love to be able to share the recipes I’ve learnt and adapted from my travels around the world.
How do you prepare for your new shoot?
When I start filming a new project I like to be as involved with the process and pre production as much as possible so I can truly vision what the director and producers are wanting. For example, I just started cooking a children’s TV show. So from the beginning I want to know what sponsors we are working with, I like to see the set before it’s completed so I know the space I’m working in, I work with the stylist so I know what I will be wearing, getting my script in advance to prepare and me feel confident when I step on stage and able to give a slicker performance.